Would the real me stand up?

Would the real me stand up?

Would the real me stand up?

Would the real me stand up?

“Would the real you stand up?”

I’m sure that once you read the title the first image that came to your mind was Eminem with his song, ‘Would the real slim shady please stand up?’ I too had the same image with people in hospital overcoats standing up praising each other. Unfortunately, the comical imaginative perception I had soon vanished as the session began.

Would the real me stand up?

Would the real me stand up?

Returning back to another Brahma Kumari session, this time for an older group, peaceful music surrounded the room as each individual became interconnected with their inner beings, their thoughts and with their calm state of being getting ready for their minds to once again become challenged.

“Om Shanti” – a greeting to the group and which also means, “I am a peaceful soul.”

When asked, “Who are you?” You would personally think of, well, who am I? Am I the person that society has labelled me as; my name, age, sex, occupation, or, is it the qualities that I possess? Charismatic, intelligent, or comedian?  We all identify ourselves as this, to you and all those around you because of “I am…”

‘I.’ Who is I? This reminded me of Descartes, a known philosopher who quoted, “I think therefore I am” and similarly, one of the group members mentioned that ‘I’ means we are alive. We are alive because we can think, we have feelings. The key difference here is that Descartes rationalism is irrelevant, and that the feeling of being alive is linked with the soul. Yes, the one factor of ourselves that we forget to identify. The part we identify ourselves is our roles, we are merely the actor of our environment and we merge into characters dependent on this, and why? We are lost in time.

Through time we forget that our roles change, a wife becomes a mother, a mother becomes a grandmother, and when those around us leave we feel detached, insecure and it’s all because we have forgotten that we are actors playing a role.

We make two errors when we enter our roles. Firstly, if you saw someone more powerful than you, you would either think, ‘snob’ or ‘I wish I was in their shoes’ and if you’re one of those that thinks, ‘I wish I was in their shoes’ then you are grouped in those that do not appreciate their value. Secondly, we think we are the body, we lose terms with our identity and this mirrors our mood change. Our face can tell a thousand stories as it is an index of the mind.

Coming back to our soul, it is the energy that drives our emotions, experiences to become ‘I.’ Did you know that our mind belongs to the soul and the body is the mere puppet? If we all were aware of our souls wouldn’t we all realise the qualities we all possess?

Through spirituality and meditation we should broaden our minds and recalculate the way we think, “I am a soul – I am a sentient being.”

And with this, the session ended with a reflection to the session and the awareness of their souls. ‘Om Shanti’

Rajvee Purohit

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